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arango 365 is a powerful business management solution from arango that is based on Dynamics 365 Sales but is adapted to the needs of Icelandic

companies in business management, sales, marketing, services and project management.


Further functionality

Business management

Achieve a 360-degree view of customers, suppliers and stakeholders. Have a client list in one place along with contacts, role information and all communication with that person. Emails and documents can be traced through Outlook as well as other contacts with contacts such as web chat, meetings, phone calls, requests, presentations and assignments. Classification of customers according to value analysis, communication plans set up for periods such as months, quarters or years where goals are set for contact with key customers. Easy to use and graphical presentation of performance by client managers and client groups 

Connection to the National Registry and

Clients established with a connection to the National Registry, or all  national register maintained in the system. Access to company register, national register, telephone directory and ban markings with connection to Part of the activity may require a contract with the National Registry.

Lookup of phone numbers and ban markings at já.is directly from the system.

General sales

Opportunity management, an overview of outstanding offers, simple bidding, analysis of value down to dealers, customers and products. Analysis of the number of contacts with customers.

Negotiation system

Manage contracts with suppliers and customers. Types of contracts and  communication because of them. Reporting and an overview of when contracts are in place  revision dates or expiration dates. Contract communications and related documents stored in Microsoft's Sharepoint.

Projects and documents

Manage tasks on

customers and communications and related documents. Connections with Teams and Sharepoint from Microsoft

Service surveys

Service surveys sent directly from the system using Dynamics 365 Customer Voice (formerly Forms Pro). It is possible to connect and send automatically to specific events such as visits or closing of messages. Artificial NPS surveys and analysis of answers available in the system.

Service system

Simple service system. Messages, issues, suggestions and complaints. Presentations included in CRM via web, email or other means. Assignments categorized into CRM and assignments assigned. Perspective and  analysis of messages in the system. Puts all requests in process and prevents unanswered issues and queries. The history of requests and responses are classified in the CRM system  customers and contacts. Response analysis and  types of requests to analyze load points and service quality.


Arango 365 manages all customers and contacts. The solution makes it easy to create audience lists, campaigns, and dial-up tasks. Assignments sorted by salespeople and followed by a graphical analysis of progress.

The main benefits

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- Better overview and knowledge of customers with data in one place

- Increased efficiency and flow of information between employees and customers

- Better results, overview and efficiency in sales work with defined processes and procedures

- Better and more informed service that increases customer satisfaction

- Saves time and increases employee productivity

- The solution is hosted in the cloud which ensures:

User access anywhere and anytime with a browser on a computer or over the phone

Fixed and transparent operating costs per month based on number of users

- Automatic updates twice a year

- Low start-up costs at start-up and fixed implementation costs


arango 365 based on Dynamics is integrated with other Microsoft products such as Office 365, Outlook, Exchange, Sharepoint  and Teams and is therefore very suitable for companies and institutions operating in that environment. Dynamics 365 is a cloud solution based on the latest technology from Microsoft, Power Platform and is accessible on both smart devices, phones and general workstations.

For more information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and arango 365 solutions, contact arango consultants at

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